Beyond Art History
Meraviglia senza tempo
La seconda lingua degli italiani. Grandi studiosi alla Galleria Borghese.
Galleria on exhibition
Le conversazioni
Un giorno da Venere
Splendore di Roma con Luca Ward
La Galleria Borghese ispira - Poesia al museo
A lezione di Museo
In piccola compagnia
The Borghese and Music
Art that comforts. Contemporary dialogues by Galleria Borghese
Famous Italian actors perform literary pieces and poems inspired by masterpieces of our museum.
New virtual meeting
Views from far and near
Well-known personalities of International culture talk about a masterpiece of the museum and their memories of Borghese Gallery.
We are Here For You
Art historians, conservators and officials of Borghese Gallery tell us about a piece of the collection.