Adminstrative Transparency
The principle of transparency, understood as “complete accessibility” to information regarding the organization and activities of public agencies, was affirmed in Legislative Decree no. 33 of 14 March 2013 and as amended by Legislative Decree no. 97 of 25 May 2016. The aim of the norm is to encourage wide-ranging control on the part of citizens of the workings of public institutions and the use of public resources. In particular, the publication of data aims to incentivize the participation of citizens in order to guarantee information about services provided and their quantitative and qualitative details, and to further prevent instances of corruption and promote integrity. The norms regarding transparency indeed contribute to determining the essential level of services delivered by public agencies, again to the end of preventing and countering corruption and poor management, as per Art. 117, paragraph 2, subparagraph m) of the Constitution.
This section provides access to data, information and documentation pertaining to Galleria Borghese. Following its new organizational arrangement on the part of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the Galleria became an institution with special autonomy, with independence in matters of scientific direction, finance, accounting and organization (Prime Ministerial Decree 76/2019 and Prime Ministerial Decree 169/2019 in partial abrogation of Prime Ministerial Decree 171 of 29 August 2014 and subsequent implementing decrees, except as provided in accordance with the subparagraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article of the Prime Ministerial Decree 169/2019).
The publication, accessibility and consequent use of documents and information are therefore the tools that allow the principles of transparency to be upheld. This process calls for a more active role on the part not only of Galleria Borghese but also of visitors, who become protagonists by seeking information that they deem useful and by exercising their power/right to request, examine and even obtain copies of administrative documents.
Supplementations and updates are made taking into account current norms and the three-year program for transparency and integrity, which was drafted according to the guidelines of the National Anti-Corruption Authority in order to evaluate public agencies on issues of transparency. Published personal data can be reused only upon the conditions established by current norms on the reuse of public data (EU directive 2003/98/EC and Italian Legislative Decree 36/2006 for implementation of the former), in terms compatible with the purposes for which they were collected and recorded and in respect of current norms regarding the safeguarding of personal data. The use of the addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of Galleria Borghese personnel for marketing, electoral propaganda or other purposes not pertinent to transparency is prohibited.
The Management reserves the right to contact the Guarantor Authority for Privacy should it detect an incorrect use of data published for purposes of transparency.
Main legislative sources regarding administrative procedures and transparency:
- Law 241/90 "Nuove norme sul procedimento amministrativo". “New norms for administrative procedures.”
- Law 150/2000 "Disciplina delle attività di informazione e di comunicazione delle PA – creazione dell’ufficio URP ex art. 6". “Regulation of information and communication operations of public agencies – creation of Office of Public Relations as per Art. 6.”
- Law 15/2005 "Modifiche ed integrazioni alla legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241, concernenti norme generali sull'azione amministrativa". “Amendments and additions to Law no. 241 of 7 August 1990 concerning general norms for administrative operations.”
- Law 4/2004 – so-called Stanca Act "Disposizioni per favorire l'accesso dei soggetti disabili agli strumenti informatici". “Provisions for facilitating access of disabled persons to IT tools.”
- Digital Administration Code (“CAD”) – Legislative Decree no. 82/2005 and subsequent amendments and additions. "D. Lgs. n.235/2010". “Legislative Decree no. 235/2010.”
- Legislative Decree 150/2009 "Attuazione della legge 4 marzo 2009, n. 15, in materia di ottimizzazione della produttività del lavoro pubblico e di efficienza e trasparenza delle pubbliche amministrazioni". “Implementation of Law no. 15 of 4 March 2009 on optimization of productivity of public sector operations and of efficiency and transparency of public agencies.”
- Law 69/2009 "Disposizioni per lo sviluppo economico, la semplificazione, la competitività nonché in materia di processo civile". “Provisions for economic development, simplification, competitiveness, including for civil procedure.”
- CiVIT resolution 2010 "Contenuti obbligatori per i siti della PA". “Obligatory contents for public agency websites.”
- Law 190/2012 “Disposizioni per la prevenzione e la repressione della corruzione e dell’illegalità nella PA”. “Provisions for prevention and suppression of corruption and illegality in public agencies.”
- ANAC resolution no. 1310 on “Prime linee guida recanti indicazioni sull’attuazione degli obblighi di pubblicità, trasparenza e diffusione di informazioni contenute nel d.lgs. 33/2013 come modificato dal d.lgs. 97/2016”. “First guidelines with instructions on implementation of requirements for publication, transparency and dissemination of information contained in Legislative Decree 33/2013, as amended by Legislative Decree 97/2016.”
- ANAC resolution, no. 141 of 21 February 2019 “Attestazioni OIV, o strutture con funzioni analoghe, sull’assolvimento degli obblighi di pubblicazione al 31 marzo 2019 e attività di vigilanza dell’Autorità”. “Certifications by Independent Assessment Body (‘OIV’) or agencies with similar functions on absolving publication obligations as of 31 March 2019 and Authority surveillance operations.”
I dati personali pubblicati in questa sezione sono riutilizzabili solo alle condizioni previste dalla normativa vigente sul riuso dei dati pubblici (direttiva comunitaria 2003/98/CE e d.lgs. n.36/2006 di recepimento della stessa), in termini compatibili con gli scopi per i quali sono stati raccolti e registrati, e nel rispetto della normativa in materia di protezione dei dati personali
A – Program for transparency and integrity
B – General acts
B1 – General administrative acts
B2 – Regional statutes and laws
B3 –Disciplinary code and code of conduct
C –Informational responsibilities for citizens and businesses
D – Bill book of administrative obligations
F -Independent Assessment Body (“OIV”) certification