
Tickets information


FULL PRICE € 13,00  (last slot € 8,00)
DISCOUNTED 18-25 years of age € 2,00
FREE OF CHARGE under 18 years of age

EU citizens including non-EU countries with terms of reciprocity or holders of regular residence permit.
Ticket prices may increase when temporary exhibitions are held.

Free of charge does not exempt from ticket reservation, which remains mandatory.

OBLIGATORY RESERVATION FEE for all kind of tickets € 2,00

The visitor can purchase only 5 tickets at a time. Visitors who buy a free ticket are required to show the title proving the right to free admission. In the event that the visitor is found to be without such a right, the free ticket will be cancelled and the visitor must arrange to buy again the ticket corresponding to his or her type in full, subject to availability.​




REGULAR CARD € 90 (over 30 years old)
YOU AND ME CARD  € 65+65
YOUNG CARD € 40 (18-30 years old

Membership card allows unlimited admission to the museum for 1 year, participation in cultural events and initiatives, and exclusive preview of exhibitions.

More information on this page



Call +39 06 32810
Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.


The Gallery is open from Tuesday to Sunday. From 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

Last entrance at 5.45 p.m.

The ticket office is open from 8.30 am until 1 hour before the museum closes.


Shifts at the museum are every hour and the visit lasts two hours (except for the 5:45 p.m. shift). 180 people can enter each shift.


Groups may consist of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 15 people, plus the guide and children under 15. For more information visit this page


25th December, 1st January.


  •  visitors under 18 years of age
  •  students and professor of architecture, conservation of cultural heritage, education, degree courses in humanities or literary subjects with focus on archaeology, history or art history in humanities and philosophy departments, or corresponding faculties and courses in EU member states
  • students and professor of Fine Arts Academies or equivalent in the EU
  •  employees of Ministry of culture
  • ICOM members
  •  groups of students from public or private schools of the European Union accompanied by their teachers
  • Italian school teaching staff, whether permanent or with a fixed-term contract, upon presentation of a suitable certificate issued by the educational institution

It is necessary to pay a reservation fee of €2 when booking to visit the museum.
The following categories are excluded from the mandatory €2 booking fee:

  • disabled citizens and one of their family members or an accompanying person who can prove that they belong to a social assistance service
  •  licensed EU tourist guides in the exercise of their professional activity
  •  journalists with a membership card who have paid their membership fees
  • children up to 5 years of age
  • Sotheby's Preferred cardholders

Exclusion from payment does not exempt you from booking a ticket, which remains mandatory for all categories

To apply for press accreditation please fill in this form


  • scholars or researchers with needs certified by educational or university institutions, academies, Italian or foreign research and cultural institutes or Ministry bodies. To apply write to

By issuing an individual pass with photograph, valid for one year, requested from the General Directorate for Museums for reasons of study and research or for particular and motivated needs:

  • operators of voluntary associations that carry out, on the basis of agreements with the Ministry, activities of promotion and dissemination of knowledge of the cultural heritage
  •  EU tourist interpreters when their services are needed alongside the guide
  •  honorary Ministry of culture inspectors and conservators
  • soldiers of the Cultural Heritage Protection Unit
  •  members of I.C.C.R.O.M.


The Galleria Borghese is part of the Roma Pass 72 hours and Roma Pass 48 hours. Obligatory reservation by phoning +39 06 32810, active from Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. ,or writing to

Card holders are requested to show it at the ticket office for validation.


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