The right to make and distribute images of artworks is guaranteed by law and does not therefore require authorization, as long as such activities are carried out for purposes of study, research, freedom of expression, creative expression and divulging knowledge about cultural heritage, and as long as the following conditions are met:
- that the purpose of the reproduction and distribution is not for commercial gain, either direct or indirect;
- the photos and videos are made without the use of tripods and/or stands, without flashes or other light sources, and without coming into physical contact with the artworks;
- distribution of such images does not lead to their further reproduction for commercial gain, either direct or indirect.
The matter is regulated by Italian Legislative Decree no. 83 of 31 May 2014, Art. 12, Paragraph 3 (converted into Italian Law no. 106 of 29 July 2014).
All other types of reproduction – whether photographic or video – require authorization, which can be obtained either free of charge or upon payment of a royalty, in accordance with current legal norms.
For information and reproduction requests, contact the Ufficio Iconografico of Galleria Borghese at:
The matter is regulated by Italian Legislative Decree no. 42 of 22 January 2004 (“Cultural Heritage Code”) and subsequent amendments and additions, Articles 106-108; Ministerial Decree 20 April 2005, (“Indirizzi, criteri e modalità per la riproduzione dei beni culturali, ai sensi dell’articolo 107 del decreto legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42”). (“Guidelines, criteria and modes of reproducing artworks, as per Art. 107 of Legislative Decree no. 42 of 22 January 2004”).
The Management reserves the right to prohibit reproductions, whether partial or total, in particular circumstances and during temporary exhibitions when works from other collections which may be subject to copyright are on display in the Museum.