
The Museum’s mission is to:


  • preserve, protect, document, display, grow and enhance the value of all of its collections and cultural artefacts, whether on display or not on display, fixed or moveable, art-historic, in a documentary, book or multimedia format, directly managed, deposited with other bodies or housed in the architectural complex of the Villa, a unique and extraordinary example of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Roman collecting the original context of which is still intact;


  • to enhance knowledge of the artistic heritage among an increasingly broad public – an indispensable requirement for protecting and safeguarding it – and to transmit to present and future generations an awareness of the importance of the heritage for Italy;


  • to programme cultural initiatives that lend value to the Italian cultural heritage, organizing temporary exhibitions, lectures, educational activities and workshops that encourage greater knowledge of the heritage and of the museum’s own function, cooperating also with other museums and with national and international institutions.



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